Commax-kutsuasemien avulla vierailija ja vuokranantaja ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa äänen ja videon välityksellä. Sisäänrakennettu kaiutin ja kamera mahdollistavat kaksisuuntaisen viestinnän. IR-valaistuksella ja laajalla katselukulmalla varustettu videokamera tuottaa korkealaatuista kuvaa sisävalvomoon mihin vuorokaudenaikaan tahansa.
Oviasemat voidaan asentaa omakotitalon pääsisäänkäyntiin, talon ulko-ovelle tai kerrostalon eteiseen.
Koko Commax-mallisto on saatavilla kaikenlaisiin monimutkaisiin projekteihin.
Commax CDV-43K2 Fine View 4.3" Monitor with Hand-Set
The Ultra Monitor is a 4.3" hand-set type product that includes all that is essential for a monitor. Users will find it to be highly efficient as the device has incorporated the most fundamental and essential functions with its
Support 2 monitors, 2 cameras and 2 Interphones
Intercommunication with sub monitor and interphone.
Built-in memory storing in SD memory
FINE COMMUNICATION 4.3” color monitor that applied vivid FINE VIEW technology and outstanding audio quality with handset.
INTERCOMMUNICATION Up to 2 monitors and interphones each are expandable per household, providing intercommunication function.
DOOR ENTRY It creates a safer and more convenient living environment with entrance front door release control function.
Our company was established in 2008 and is one of the leading CCTV cameras and equipment suppliers in Estonia and the Baltics. The most new models and technologies, the latest products from the most famous manufacturers of security equipment for video surveillance systems, and security systems can be found in the equipment catalog on our website.